GBpay Achieves Great Success in the UK and Grows with the Aim of Investing in New Fintechs

Established in 2019, GBpay thrives in the dynamic landscape of the UK fintech scene. Now, with plans to invest in new fintech ventures, founder Ertuğrul Salich Oglou aims to extend the company's success. Notably, this expansion coincides with Abu Dhabi's burgeoning role in the global financial sphere, enhancing GBpay's strategic positioning in the ever-evolving fintech industry.
Ertuğrul Salich Oglou, the founder of GBpay, announced that following the success of his company in the UK, he is taking action to support new fintech projects. Among the projects he plans to invest in are payment technologies, digital banking, and financial innovations.
By increasing his support for young and innovative entrepreneurs in the fintech sector, Ertuğrul aims to contribute to the industry. With this new phase for GBpay, it is expected to make a greater contribution to the growth and innovation in the fintech sector in the UK.
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